4 Aug 2011


Hack facebook password - Phishing
In my previous articles we covered
gmail by Phishing
facebook password by simple technique called
To begin this you need PHP script and HTML script which you can download from
here(we had removed the download link due to security and privacy reasons).
How to hack facebook by keylogging and Hack.Now we will get to know that how we or hackers can hackphishing.
After downloading the rar file extract it to your harddrive.
Now upload them to a free hosting site.Two of them are given below.
After uploading the files you had downloaded it will look some thing like this.
desired person , when he/she enters the username and password and make a
login it will be stored in "facebookpassword.htm"(this html is automatically created)
and he/she will be redirected to the original site.
You can see where the passwords are stores from the above picture.
After up loading the file , just send the address of your phishing site to your
the victim like this
If you open "facebookpassword.htm" you can see the username and password of

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