There are many different ways to hack the account you
will work 100% of the time, but it is possible to get the access you want.
want to gain access to. Not all methodsThere are
three methods available to getting access to the account youMethod One -
Guessing the passwordThe quickest and easiest way to find someones password is to guess it! If you know the person
who owns the account you want to hack then this process is the easiest way to gain access. Start
with this step before trying step 2. Unless your password was randomly generated, it's probably
locked away in their mind somewhere.
Easy! You need clues! Most people create passwords, even complicated ones, based on the people,
places and things in their personal and professional lives. Knowing this, check out the clues below.
They might give you enough edge to figure out that password!
Their Name
Try variations of their name. While this isn't a very secure way to create a password, it's very
common and they may have created their password in a similar way.
For example, if your name was
Michael P Archer, common passwords might include:• Mike1234
• michael
• archer
• MikePA
• leahcim
• archerMP
You get the idea. Try different combinations of their name and maybe even their
Names of Friends and Family
Many people use names or combinations of names of family members and friends to create
passwords. If something rings a bell here, give this one a try.
Pet Information
We love our pets! Which is why many passwords include pet names and pet birthdays. If they
treat their cat like a kid, chances are they've used his or her name as a password.
Birthdays are also very popular passwords, especially when combined with names. If Michael P
Archer's birthday was 05-June-1975, some passwords he might have come up with include:• m060575
• 1975MPA
• archerjune
• mp75
There are a lot more possibilities here. Try some combinations with their information.
Some Other Ideas
Other popular password inspirations include favorite foods, favorite places, vacation spots,
celebrity names and sports teams.
Top ten most popular passwords world wide
• 123456
• 12345
• 123456789
• password
• iloveyou
• princess
• rockyou
• 1234567
• 12345678
• abc123
Method Two -
Password RecoveryMethod two is to use the built in password recovery service that most online web sites and
services provide. You will have to know a little bit of information about the person you want to
hack. If they are your boyfriend, girlfriend or just a good friend this process should be easy.
Visit this URL - the 'your email address' field enter your email address, use a free email address such as
hotmail or gmail. Fillout the rest of the form with the details of the account you want access to.
If the information you have provided is correct you should receive an email with login details to
the account you want access to. It may take a few days to receive this email so be patient.
Method Three -
KeyloggerThe third method to gain access to someones account is by use of a keylogger. A keylogger is a
very small piece of software or hardware installed on the victims computer that will log every key
stroke them make. So when they type in their password, the keylogger will record it, you can then
take a look and figure out their login details without them ever knowing. If you have access to the
computer they use, a hardware keyboard keylogger is the easiest to install. Just plug it into a usb
port and it will record everything that they do. If you don't have access to their computer or don't
want to buy a physical keylogger you can use a software keylogger. Search google for 'keylogger'
to find the latest version. A good keylogger software is orwww.refog.comCrack Facebook Password
including the password they enter. Simply retrieve the log file to view their password. Depending
on the keylogger software you choose the retrieval instructions may differ.. Install this software on their computer and will will record everything they do
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